The Zimbabwe National Statistics Agency (ZIMSTAT) proudly presents the Executive Census Monitoring Mobile App, a mobile application designed to provide easy access to census data for effective planning and decision-making. This innovative application enables...
The Zimbabwe National Statistics Agency (ZIMSTAT) urges the public to be vigilant and cautious of individuals falsely claiming to be representatives of ZIMSTAT or the Ministry of Home Affairs who visit private households to request National Identity particulars under...
Vacancies – Statisticians X 7 posts
The Job holder will be responsible for cleaning, analysing and conducting quality control checks in data collection to ensure the Agency's objectives are achieved 7 x vacant Statistician postsDownload
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My Agriculture Post
SEPTEMBER 2024 The Quarterly Labour Force Survey (QLFS) is a household-based survey conducted in both ruraland urban areas across all provinces in Zimbabwe. The Survey is conducted in line withrecommendations and guidelines of the 19th and 20th International...
Zimbabwe Demographic and Health Survey
ZDHS 23 The 2023–24 Zimbabwe Demographic and Health Survey (2023–24 ZDHS) presents the major findings of a nationally representative survey with a sample of more than 11,000 households. The 2023–24 ZDHS was conducted by the Zimbabwe National Statistics Agency...
SEPTEMBER 2024 The Quarterly Labour Force Survey (QLFS) is a household-based survey conducted in both ruraland urban areas across all provinces in Zimbabwe. The Survey is conducted in line withrecommendations and guidelines of the 19th and 20th International...
Agriculture statistics
Livestock The Production Statistics Division is tasked with providing data on the productive sectors of the economy. These sectors include agriculture, mining, industry, manufacturing, and construction. The division plays a critical role in providing data that...