Culture Statistics provides comprehensive data on cultural participation, heritage, creative industries, and the role of culture in socio-economic development.
Key Culture Indicators:
• Cultural Participation and Engagement
• Creative Industries and Employment
• Heritage and Preservation
• Media and Digital Culture
• Government and Private Sector Investment
• Traditional and Indigenous Practices

Cultural Participation and Engagement

Statistics on attendance at cultural events, museum visits, and public engagement in artistic activities.

Creative Industries and Employment


Data on cultural employment, revenue from creative sectors, and economic contributions of the arts.

Heritage and Preservation


Reports on historical sites, cultural conservation efforts, and funding for heritage programs.

Traditional and Indigenous Practices


Documentation of local traditions, indigenous knowledge systems, and cultural sustainability efforts.

Culture Statistics Reports

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Vacancies – Statisticians X 7 posts

The Job holder will be responsible for cleaning, analysing and conducting quality control checks in data collection to ensure the Agency's objectives are achieved 7 x vacant Statistician postsDownload

My Agriculture Post

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Agriculture statistics

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