Demography and Social Statistics Division

Demography and Social Statistics

The Division is responsible for the production of demographic, vital (births, deaths, marriages, and divorces), and social (education, gender, health, judicial, and crime) statistics. Dedicated to providing comprehensive, accurate, and timely data on the population and social dynamics of Zimbabwe. Our insights inform evidence-based decision-making for sustainable development and social well-being.

The Demography and Social Analysis Division focuses on collecting, analyzing, and publishing data on:

  1. Fertility, Mortality, and Migration : Insights into birth rates, death rates, life expectancy, and internal/external migration trends.
  2. Household Composition and Living Conditions: Analysis of household size, structure, and access to essential services like water, electricity, and housing.
  3. Education and Literacy: Data on school enrollment, literacy rates, and access to education by age, gender, and location.
  4. Health and Well-being : Key indicators on public health, including maternal and child health, disease prevalence, and access to healthcare services.

Population and Housing Statistics

Census data, demographic trends, and population projections.

Health and Vital Statistics

– Births, deaths, fertility rates, and life expectancy.

Gender and Social Inclusion Statistics

Data on gender equality, social mobility, and vulnerable populations.

Data Products

National Population Census Reports

National and provincial population, growth trends and projections, Age and gender, Urban Rural distribution.

Vital Statistics,Health and Well-being

Birth rates & trends, Mortality rates, Marriage and divorce statistics, Public health indicators, Disease prevalence etc

Household and Living Conditions

Household composition and size, Housing conditions and ownership patterns, Access to services, etc.

Education and Literacy

Enrollment rates across different education levels, Literacy rates & educational attainment, School dropout rates, and access to education

Department Under Demography and Social Statistics Division

Demographic Analysis

The department is responsible for collecting, analyzing, and interpreting demographic data to support policy development, planning, and decision-making. Our work focuses on population trends, social indicators, and demographic research to provide accurate and timely statistics for government agencies, researchers, and the public. Read more…

Vital Statistics

The Vital Statistics Department of plays a crucial role in collecting, analyzing, and disseminating vital records data to support policy development, research, and planning. The mission is to provide accurate, timely, and comprehensive vital statistics that reflect the demographic and social trends of our nation.Read more…

Social Statistics

TThe Social Statistics Department is responsible for collecting, analyzing, and disseminating key demographic and social data to support informed decision-making, policy development, and national planning. Our work ensures that accurate and up-to-date statistical information is available to government agencies, researchers, and the public. Read more…